Boost your language practices plus save up to 90% on tutors and language schools!

$ 0
Forever freeGreat for those who want to start practice languages and make it a habit.
Create or join a practice each 10 days. Five more as a entry gift from us!
- Online and offline practices
- 13 languages
- Talk with thousands of users
- Unlimited alert subscriptions
- 200+ topics for discussion
- 1 use/day of AI Topic Generator
- Extra practice each 10 days
- No credit card required

$ 19.99 / month
When your language is a long-term commitment and you aspire to reach language mastery.
Create or join up to unlimited number of practices. Access to exclusive plus-features.
- Online and offline practices
- 13 languages
- Talk with thousands of users
- Unlimited alert subscriptions
- 200+ topics for discussion
- Unlimited uses of AI Topic Generator
- Participate in any practices at once
- Create multi-level practices
- User blocking
- Plus user label
- More features in the future!

Coming Soon
Perfect for those who don’t want any time constraints or want to quickly boost their language proficiency.
Create or join practices whenever you want. No expiring. Extra features in each pack.
- Online and offline practices
- 13 languages
- Talk with thousands of users
- Unlimited alert subscriptions
- 200+ topics for discussion
- 10 and extra 20 uses of AI topic Generator
- Participate in up to 13 practices at once
- Create multi-level practices
- Practices or AI Topic generator uses do not expire and are yours forever!
Frequently asked questions
After registration, each user is allowed to create and join any language practice (up to a maximum of 5) for 7 days. After that you can continue to use the app for free, creating your own language practice or joining another one every 10 days. This is a good option for those who practice languages occasionally and don't have the opportunity to participate in practices regularly.
LingoPraxis includes more than 300 selected topics with questions to make each language practice useful and unique. But of course, there are countless topics to talk about, and ChatGPT is a great tool to come up with questions for absolutely any topic in any language in seconds. Every Plus subscriber is given the opportunity to use it without restriction.
Multi-level practices are an ability when creating a meeting to clarify that a given language practice is suitable for people with different levels of language proficiency. For example, not only for Advanced (C1), but also for Upper-Intermediate (B2) and Proficient (C2). Or indicate that absolutely everyone is invited to the practice, even those who are just starting to get to know the language.
Notifications about the new practice will be sent to all people whose language level settings at least partially coincide with the practice level. Thus, this is a good way to let as many people as possible know about your meeting.
Plus-users can block a user with whom they have had some negative experience in language practice. A blocked user blocked will not be able to see any practices you have created and will not receive notifications about them. If you, in turn, see this user in another practice, you will be able to easily distinguish him by his icon and color, and then decide whether to join such a meeting or not. In addition, each block is sent to the LingoPraxis administrators so that they can take action if necessary.
At the moment, the feature to change your subscription period is still under development. But you can cancel your subscription at any time and re-subscribe after the current payment period has expired.
You can cancel your subscription at any time. Money that was charged at the beginning of the payment period cannot be refunded, but canceling your subscription will prevent any subsequent charges.
In case you purchased a subscription by mistake and have not yet used any of its benefits (not creating/joining meetings, not using the AI topic generator), please contact us via the Feedback/Report option so that we can handle your request on a personal basis.
We are constantly developing our app and strive to provide our users with the best experience from using LingoPraxis. In the future we plan to add:
- User rating system
- Past practice reviews
- Premium profile badges
- Inviting and rejecting members to your practice
- Referral system
- Collaborations with tutors and language schools.
Please keep in mind that this list is not final and may change in the future. And if you want to see other features or have an idea for new functionality in LingoPraxis, be sure to let us know!
LingoPraxis is a great platform to organize language practice meetings and spread the word about your language school or language club. Organization signup is already fully supported in the mobile app!
Create a new account and check the “Sign up as an organization” checkbox when registering. Organizations have the ability to create meetings, but cannot join or be a member of them. The organization can also upload its logo, add information about itself and contact links to its website or social media. Practices created by the organization will be marked with a special house icon.
Create practices and share your knowledge with people around the world!